Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Long time, no talk!

Hey Guys!
So, we have been busy turning this pile of fabric into usable products!

Robot, Boar and Dungeon Totes

Fox, alien, boar and dungeon bags.

These will all be up for sale as limited edition items at the Phoenix Comic Con! Go out to the Thunderskull Booth and get yours!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

T&C In the Beginning...

Welcome all to T&C design! We are a fabric and pattern design conglomerate from the minds of Tavis Maiden and Maura Cayla Endicott. All of our fabrics at this time will be printed to order from Spoonflower.com. We are so excited to begin this new venture and create wonderful fabrics and products! We will be unveiling some new fabric later this week so stay tuned!

-Maura Cayla and Tavis Maiden